Punjab Announces Holidays Due to High Level of Smog in Province

Good News for Student and Government Employees Punjab Announces Holidays Due to High Level of Smog in Province Punjab Pakistan. The holidays are from 09 November 2023 to 12 November 2023 including Iqbal Day Holidays which is on 9 November 2023. (Thursday till Sunday) and hopefully help to curb the smog in the province. In an effort to alleviate the smog that has engulfed the region in recent weeks, Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi has declared a holiday in Lahore and its surrounding areas for Friday, November 10.

Punjab School Holidays Due to Smoke

The Punjab region, which straddles India and Pakistan, suffers from severe air pollution during the winter as farmers burn crop stubble, contributing to smog that is exacerbated by emissions from low-grade diesel. Earlier this month, the pervasive smog prompted schools in the province to notify parents via text message to provide their children with face masks for a month. The Lahore High Court also weighed in, instructing the provincial government to declare a “smog emergency”

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Punjab Announces Four Holidays from 09 November

Holidays Dates09 Nov to 12 Nov 2023
Holidays Start fromThursday
Holidays End onSunday
Chief MiniterMoshin Naqvi

Markets to Remain Closed on Saturday

Furthermore, the caretaker chief minister stated that markets will remain closed on Saturday and that traders may close their doors on Friday as well if they find it feasible. Furthermore, he urged the public to remain indoors for four days.

In the midst of the suffocating fog that has disrupted daily life in the state, particularly in Lahore, the caretaker Punjab administration has declared a school shutdown.

Mohsin Naqvi, the interim Chief Minister (CM) of Punjab, announced during a news conference in Lahore that all schools and workplaces in districts where pollution has reached dangerous levels will remain closed on Friday, November 10.

Punjab Announces Holidays Due to High Level of Smog in Province

Punjab Announces Holidays Due to High Level of Smog in Province

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